Welcome to Planarist TCG

Step into the dark fantasy trading card world of Planarist, a game designed around evocative lore and clean, simplistic game design. In Planarist, it is not you who casts the spells, but the creatures at your command. Align yourself to any number of the mysterious six dimensional planes to access the limitless powers that lie beyond the veil of reality.

The Dimensional Planes

There is more beyond our limited world. More beyond Death. Immortal, incomprehensible beings watch our world with unknowable designs.

The great magic users of the world of Planarist seek power at their own risk. The color of their card indicates their planar alignment. As you reach out to the realms beyond, beware as you know not what creatures may answer your call.


The land of demons and devils. Perdition is the home of celestials who live in the pursuit of power and dominance over the other planes.

The Vortex

The plane of power and magical energy. The Vortex is the collection point for all energy from the other planes, birthing unstable beings whose hunger is never satiated.


The heavens, home of celestials of light. One of the most mysterious planes. Its angels seldom meddle with mortal affairs, and when they do it is in accordance to an unknowable greater plan.


Often dreaded by mortals, Death is in reality a transitional plane. It serves the vital role as a magical void, acting as a protective barrier from the planes beyond, allowing for time to be structured in our world.

The Beyond

The Beyond refers to the various pocket dimensions folded within the Material plane. Hidden aelvish kingdoms, sanctuaries for mythological demi-gods, and more are hidden into the veil of The Beyond.

Card Categories

The four different types of cards that make up the decks of Planarist.


The allies that make up your army. They can cast spell cards, use items cards, and summon other creature cards.


Powerful incantations and hexes, leveraging the power of the planes.


Useful creations, wieldable by mortals in the heat of battle.


Your selected general to lead your forces. When they die, the game is over.

Card Anatomy

In Planarist, everything is performed by either your commanding Scion card or your allied creature cards. They will summon creatures, cast spells, and wield power items to defeat your opponent and gain eternal planar glory. Understanding their layout is the first step on your journey to planar mastery.

1) Title - The name of the card.
2) Subtitle
- Describes a card’s category (Creature, Spell, Item, Scion), Planar status, and Class.
3) Class - The sigil of the card’s class, which determines important card behaviors.
4) Mana Cost
- The cost of the core resource, mana, to play the card.
5) Skill Requirements
- If the card needs another, in play card to be played itself, these describe that other card’s minimum skill levels to do so.
6) Sacrifice Cost
- The number of face up creatures that must be sacrificed as cost to play the card.
7) Skill Stats
- Combat (orange fist) and Magic (purple swirl) represent the creature’s prowess in combat and magic ability. These stats determine what cards they can play.
8) Defensive Stats
- All the card’s defenses. Health, the red drop, determines how much damage the card can take before dying. Armor, the metal shield, is regular damage reduction. Wards, yellow crowns on top of health, each absorb one whole amount of damage.
9) Effect
- Special abilities the card can or must use.
10) Tags
- Keywords that may be referenced by other cards to target groups of cards.
11) Lore
- A snippet about the lore of the card.